
Showing posts from February, 2011

Does Hip Hop have a Secret Plan for Resolving Arab-Israeli Conflict?

An American Tragedy Unmasked by Democratic Revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt

U.S. Condemns Libyan Use of Mercenaries, but Depends on Hired Guns in Afghanistan & Iraq

The Future of Israel: LAST WORDS

Apprendre à «Contextualiser» C'est le Secret d'un Mariage Heureux

Aprender a "Contextualizar" é o Verdadeiro Segredo para um Casamento Feliz

Aprender a "Contextualizar" es el Verdadero Secreto para un Matrimonio Feliz

اغنيه هيب هوب للثورة المصرية A Hip Hop Song for the Egyptian Revolution

A Mideast Prediction for 2012

هل لإسرائيل مستقبل

How America Missed the Biggest Democracy Celebration in History

War, Abortion, Capital Punishment: Recognizing our "Killing Debts"

When Historical Knowledge Drowns out Knowledge of Self

My Jewish Professor of Arabic

Puritans, Cannibals & Goree Island

Betyr Vår Manglende "Free Will" Doom Relasjoner

Daddy, "Coons" & Astrophysics

Vad är Kärlek?

Ce este Dragostea?