Can We Handle the Truth About Israel's Future?

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In the Fall of 2009 I published:  Does Israel Have a Future, arguing that the Jewish state and its supporters in the United States are in denial over that tiny nation's ultimate fate.  That unwillingness to face reality is at least as deep and possibly even as dangerous as the blanket of denial that failed to see the Holocaust coming.  This was despite the fact that  Adolf Hitler had for years signaled his diabolic intentions.  

The escalating violence between Israel and Gaza compels us to think through Israel's long-range future with a candor that the topic has never before garnered.   "The Arab Spring" that placed the Muslim Brotherhood in power in Egypt, and launched democratization movements across the Arab world, has accelerated a process that will come to a head sooner rather than later.   But, is America  ready to face the implications of the fact that Israel has reached a strategic dead end?  

Israelis are watching Egypt with bated breath. Sooner or later Cairo's new Islamic leaders will find themselves forced to respond to their pro-Palestinian base.   And when this Gaza crisis cools down, what will have changed that will make the Jewish state more secure?  In Does Israel Have a Future, I wrote:

"The Jewish state's iron wall strategy of creating military invincibility did not take into account the agency of those displaced by its nationhood.  The Israelis have been unfairly accused of morphing into Nazis and plotting genocide against the Palestinians.  But Israel's biggest problem was that genocide was never an option.  Even had the Jews lost their moorings and sunk to the level of colonial America or seventeenth century South Africa, the Palestinians were not an aboriginal people.  Millions of them could not have been "disposed of" using measles-contaminated blankets."
So, what realistic options does Israel have?  There is only one.  Israel must evolve into a one-state, secular democracy.  Whether that happens with horrendous bloodshed or not so much is the only outstanding question.


האם לחילונים שאינם יהודים אחריות כלפי ישראל?

Did Western Anti-Semitism Poison Israel's Future?
