The Tsunami in Japan

An early morning phone call awoke me to the heartbreaking news of Japan being struck by the largest earthquake in recorded history.  Measuring 8.9 on the Richter scale, the temblor produced a tsunami, which devastated  Sendai, a beautiful city on the northeast coast.  It was known by  the Japanese as the "City of Trees" (杜の都 Mori no Miyako), on account of the stately zelkova trees, lining Jōzenji  (定禅寺通 ) and Aoba Streets (青葉通).  The miniaturized version of these trees have been immortalized in bonsai plantings. 

Last time I visited Sendai, the city looked like this.     

The video footage below was taken this morning, shortly after the tsunami struck

I am still trying to contact friends and loved-ones in the affected areas.   My heart embraces all those who have suffered losses in this cataclysmic natural disaster.

RELATED POSTS: What America Can Learn from Japan's Handling of the Tsunami

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