Was Massive South Korean Ferry Rescue Effort a Hoax?

For more than a week rescue efforts aimed at saving 300 children on a sinking  South Korean ferry   dominated the international headlines.  It appeared that more than five hundred divers, ships, helicopters, all kinds of rescue equipment were making coordinated, even spectacular efforts in the face of turbulent seas and stormy weather to search for survivors.

But the more I watched, the more heartsick I became, unable to put my finger on why I couldn't eat nor sleep, nor make sense of the timeline of tragic events.   And then the truth struck me this morning like a sledge hammer.

This entire week's rescue effort was a publicity stunt staged by the South Korean Government.  It was a media event intended to give the appearance to the world that officials had done everything humanly possible to save these children, when the truth is that they had done nothing.

The video footage has just been released that essentially proves my point. When the Coast Guard rescued the captain and crew, no one made any effort whatsoever to rescue the 300 children whom the captain had ordered to stay below deck.  By the time the "official" rescue operation got underway a few hours later, presumably "to save the children" the listing ferry had completely sunk and South Korean officials knew that the window of opportunity had slammed shut and that regardless of what they told the media and those grief-stricken parents, those children were already dead.

Here is the video of the captain getting on the only lifeboat after ordering the children to remain below deck.
RELATED POST:  What was South Korean Government Doing to Save Drowning Children Before not AFTER  Ferry Sank 

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