I'm Boycotting CNN & NBC for Promoting Interviews with Sandusky Pedophile Accomplice

Jerry Sandusky & Wife Dottie
CNN is promoting a March 18th interview with Dottie Sandusky, whose husband was convicted in 2012 of sexually molesting twenty-six boys in the basement of their home. NBC's Today Show has just featured the woman on a program hosted by Matt Lauer.   If the news stations are that hard up for interview material, why not have a chat with Glenn Ford.   He is the black man who spent thirty years on death row for a crime he didn't commit.  Instead, the public will be subjected to that evil witch, Dottie Sandusky, sitting in her well-appointed living room telling reporters that her husband was framed.  There was certainly enough evidence brought out during the Sandusky trial  to prosecute this woman as an accomplice to child molestation.  At the very least, Dottie Sandusky needs to be locked up in a hospital for the criminally insane.  Or at an absolute minimum, she should be hiding out in Bangladesh or Mongolia, too humiliated to show her face on American soil.

Glenn Ford

Our nation's criminal justice system has yet to get the news that the Confederacy lost the civil war. How else can we account for the fact that some of the most despicable human beings alive, like Dottie Sandusky, remain at liberty while it is becoming apparent that a growing number of minorities, who have spent their adult lives in prison, are only now being exonerated by new DNA evidence? 

If CNN and NBC want to regain any modicum of journalistic ethics, the people they should be interviewing are members of the Innocence 
Project, an organization established to exonerate wrongfully convicted individuals using DNA evidence.

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