FOX News' "Pretty Girl" Style of Political Journalism

As a feminist I laughed until my chair tipped over, when I read New York Congressman Charlie Rangel's response to guest host Laura Ingraham's badgering on Thursday's "O'Reilly Factor."   According to the,  Rangel quipped in frustration after Ingraham kept  interrupting his efforts to answer her questions by throwing more questions at him:

                 "'Bill O'Reilly told me he had a secret weapon.  I didn't know it was just a pretty girl that he would bring here."

                 'That's very condescending, sir!" Ingraham fired back. "These are serious questions."
                'You have asked me 50 questions," Rangel said. "I'm begging you. I'm begging you...just ask me one question at a time.'"

I wonder whether the women of FOX News expected feminists like me to come to their aid and attack Rangel for saying what's on the minds of many.     Ms. Ingraham. like other contestants in the FOX News daily beauty pageant have not yet earned the respect and credibility given to serious journalists.  After all, their mode of presenting right-wing views  is only slightly more refined than the styles once used by their mothers.   In 1960,  the conservative women of Dallas, spat on President Lyndon B. Johnson's wife, Lady Bird for supporting desegregation.

RELATED POST: Talking Dirty on FOX News

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