Speaking Engagements

Constance Hilliard, Ph.D. is a historian and popular lecturer, who has inspired audiences around the world with her thought-provoking speeches on topics in African-American & African History, Race, and the Arab-Israeli conflict.  Dr. Hilliard received a Ph.D. in History from Harvard University and is a full professor at the University of North Texas.  In the 1980s, she worked as foreign policy adviser to the late Senator John Tower, who chaired the Senate Armed Services Committee and has also served on the editorial board of The Dallas Morning News.  


African-American History

  • Soul Wisdom: 

     As one of the first black women to get a Ph.D. from Harvard University, my Ivy League education has been intellectually rewarding beyond measure.  But it has also been costly, not just financially but  in other ways as well.  My Mama always warned me: "Don't come home an educated fool.' As for what she meant by that, it has taken me a lifetime to understand.  (For more on this topic click here) 
  • Black Women Dream of - What? (For more on this topic click here)
  • What Really Drives Research on Racial Differences in Intelligence? (For more on this topic click here)


Health, Genetics & Race

  • Why Health Standards Based on Northern European Norms are Making Minorities Fatter & Sicker
  •  Are USDA Guidelines Killing Blacks (For more on this topic click here)
  • The Medical Dangers of Dividing World by Race (For more on this topic click here)

African History

  • The Intellectual Traditions of Timbuktu (for more on topic click here)
  • Healing the Wounds of Africa's Distorted Past (For more on topic click here)
  • The Nubian Role in Ancient Egyptian Civilization

Anti-Semitism & the Arab-Israeli Conflict

  • Did Western anti-Semitism Poison Israel's Future? (For more on this topic click here).


    Fees:  Click Here

  Availability: Please email:   connie@unt.edu or call 940-565-4972.



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