White Nihilism -- Killing Innocents to Assert One's Manhood -- IS DOMESTIC TERRORISM

If I hear one more so-called pundit claim that white American males who slaughter innocent people are not terrorists because they have no motive, I'm going to vomit.  How dare these talking heads  present such bigoted stupidity in public forums.  Yes, Donald Trump and his political cronies may  own the  FOX news network and intimidate the mainstream media.  But they don't own reality.

Folks should not accept such garbage.  The unrepentant efforts at mass slaughter on the part of individuals like the  Austin Bomber  is domestic terrorism in the fullest definition of the word. The English language is fluid.  Terms mean whatever we, the people, say they mean. A court of law is different because it is its own closed universe.  Reporters can certainly announce that courts may have one definition, just as a little over a century ago, a black person was less than 2/3's of a human. But it is the journalist's job to clarify the fact that a legal definition is not the reality of the matter.

For the sake of peace, I'll steer away from calling the Austin bomber a Christian terrorist despite his upbringing and fundamentalist causes.  But let's take a moment to look at the alternative.  Maybe he's a non-religious, domestic terrorist in the mold of the Las Vegas shooter, Stephen Paddock, who slaughtered 59 people.  The media and law enforcement refused to call him a terrorist as well.  Such folks if not religious, are ideologues none the less. They are as willing to die for their ideals as any fanatical Muslim.  They are Nihilists.  They believe in nothingness, or to be more precise, nihilism according to Wikipedia is "the philosophical viewpoint that suggests the denial or lack of belief towards the reputedly meaningful aspects of life."   For America to have created a cadre of white males willing to kill masses of innocent people and die for nothingness other than the assertion of their manhood as they engage in the act of killing is truly, truly horrifying.  

This is what Americans should be talking about. But how can we, if the society refuses to name these people?
