The REAL Reason the White Nationalist Alt-Right Leaves Room at the Top for Asians

White Nationalism Driven by Masculine Insecurities
Alt-Right leader Jared Taylor, who is also founder of the prominent white nationalist publication American Renaissance proclaims that his movement cannot be racist. After all, Taylor quips:
“Presumably a white supremacist is someone who wants to rule over people of other races. We have no such desire. Nor do people on the alt right think that whites are a superior race. In many respects Asians are more objectively superior to whites and certainly athletically blacks are probably superior to whites.”

 How very tolerant of them. Or is it?  If we take a deeper look at what's really going on, we'll find the even more sinister (albeit juvenile) force that drives this predominantly male movement -- masculine insecurities.   Throughout much of the 20th century, white nationalists characterized Asians as, well. . .  mongoloid idiots.  But something changed three decades ago.  The leaders of this movement began to elevate Asians to the top of the IQ/intelligence hierarchy alongside Whites.  They crowed: "Our movement can't be driven by racism, because we're putting Orientals at the top."  But why? I devoted a chapter to this phenomenon in my 2012 book: Straightening the Bell Curve; How Stereotypes About Black Masculinity Drive Research on Race and Intelligence.

A pernicious stereotype that Asian men have faced is that of being emasculated and feminized.  They were not perceived as rivals to white males in the sexual competition for women.  A 28 year old Samoan-Chinese American male once lamented:
It's annoying and energy-consuming to constantly speak up against stereotypes of black and Latino men as being sexually hungry, ravenous beasts (white men are scared of them); and of Asian men as being nerdy, asexual and gay (white men patronizing them)." (Jeff Yang, "The 1995 Natyional Asian American Sex Survey" A Magazine, August-September 1995, p.27). 

In this regard, white nationalist intellectual Jean-Philippe Rushton once opined:

Racial differences are found in sexual permissiveness, thinking about sex and even in levels of sex guilt. In one study, three generations of Japanese Americans and japanese students in Japan had less interest in sex than European students. (J. Philippe Rushton, Race, Evolution and Behavior, page 18).

But Professor Audrey Smedley of Virginia Commonwealth University countered Rushton's assertions by reminding him that the Chinese had the most reproductively successful population in the world. Prof. Smedley observed sardonically: "They got to number over a billion with small penises and presumably little interest in sex." (Audrey Smedley: "How Caucasoids got Such Big Crania")

In fact, it is the fear of African-American masculinity that drives so much white supremacist drivel as well as police shootings of unarmed black males.
