Why Is Trump Broadcasting on Africa's "Radio Rwanda"?

In July of 1994, the African news station, "Radio Rwanda" began broadcasting bogus reports that the Tutsis (an ethnic minority in Rwanda) had secret training camps, where they were preparing attacks on the Hutu majority population.  The rest of course is history, in which the genocidal slaughter of a million unarmed women and children is forever etched in blood and shame.

So now we in America have Donald Trump telling us that the President of the United States is a Muslim imposter,    The GOP presidential contender stokes fears among his supporters that the Muslims have secret training camps, and (you guessed it), they're coming to get us.  As one diarist on the dailykos.com has noted:

"Donald Trump Said Much The Same Thing That Dylann Storm Roof Said Before He Pulled The Trigger (on 9 people at the Charleston church, since this is what happens when you stoke the fires of racism, bigotry, stupidity, hatred and fear.)

“I have to do it.  You rape our women and you’re taking over our country. And you have to go.” Dylann Storm Roof

I don't blame a sleazy businessman like Donald Trump for seeing an opportunity and making use of it.   White nationalists, no longer have the Ku Klux Klan.  So Trump will have to do.  But in 1994, why didn't anyone have the courage to pull the plug on "Radio Rwanda"?  It is probably for some of the same reasons that the American corporate media has refused to pull the plug on Trump.    
