Kim Davis and Cliven Bundy: Why are GOP Folk Heroes Such Creepy Human Beings

Kim Davis and Mike Huckabee
We all need heroes. But what is it with the folks who go from celebrating one trashy character to the next, plopping them atop a pedestal until its base crumbles into just another pile of manure.  Kentucky County Clerk, Kim Davis has refused to issue marriage licenses to gays, claiming that it is forbidden by her religion.  But this "pious" woman has had such a busy social life, including premarital sex, a child out of wedlock, and the procession of husbands and divorces (at last count, three),  that she may have singlehandedly coined a new (albeit politically-incorrect) term in the English lexicon  -- "Christian slut".    But that hasn't stopped Reverend Mike Huckabee, GOP presidential candidate, from genuflecting at Kim Davis'  pedicured toes.  The County Clerk's supporters have even gone so far as to proclaim her to be the living embodiment of Civil Rights legend, Rosa Parks.  How dare they sully the name and reputation of a genuine hero, by comparing such a low-life as Davis to Mrs. Parks.  

Last year, the same FOX news crowd, conservatives and GOP hopefuls were celebrating Cliven Bundy as a latter day reincarnation of either Mahatma Gandhi, Paul Revere or Dr. Martin Luther King. Take your pick. Well that was until the free-loading rancher, who refused to pay fees for grazing his cattle on government land,  declared that "'the Negroes'  would be better if they were still

Let's not forget Josh Duggar, the former lobbyist for the conservative, anti-gay marriage Family Research Council.  This paragon of family values molested his sisters as a teen, got married, had four kids, and was caught prowling around the Ashley Madison site in search of new sex partners.  

Rogue Rancher Cliven Bundy
And yes, these are the same people who insist on calling twice elected President Barack Obama, a "thug".    
