Cops' Political Convictions Drive Police Brutality against Blacks

We Americans believe in a secret ballot, so who's to say what political party the policemen in your town support?  Well actually, the political convictions of many cops are not the least bit secret.  How they see America and who should be running it becomes a neon-framed billboard every time we search for motives in police brutality cases against blacks. Cops who abuse minorities can not be weeded out, using psychological tests of mental stability. They're not psycho. They see themselves as fulfilling the unwritten clause in their job description.

Should policemen who support Donald Trump's candidacy for president, even be allowed within fifty feet of a black or Latino?  And how about those who, like Trump, believe that the. black man in the White House is an imposter with a Kenyan birth certificate and a Muslim to boot?  Can they be trusted to uphold the rule of law for everyone?

My point is that America has created a two-tiered society with a two-tiered criminal justice system.  The rule of law defines how the police will treat middle and upper class whites, while rhetorical speeches by the likes of Donald Trump provide the guidance cops use in their interaction with minorities.

The only way to halt police brutality  is to stop filling the police academies with the kind of uneducated rednecks, who see the president of the United States as just another "thug".   A college degree must become a prerequisite for police work.   I don't mean that a college education will transform bigotry into democratic principles.  Rather, I'm identifying the same "demographic" that helped put Barack Obama in office. 
