Did Duggars Expose Their 19 Kids to Child Pornography Ring?

One possible reason why Arkansas Judge Stacey Zimmerman destroyed the court files of Josh Duggar was because the scandal that was about to be unleashed went beyond the teen molestation charge to something even more sinister -- a child pornography ring.

Psychologists have long noted that pedophiles are often made by having
been molested as children. Why didn't the Duggars make an effort to find the roots of their son's problem?

Apparently they were far too busy making more children. It doesn't seem to have occurred to them  that their daughters were being wounded by the son's behavior. But no counselling was offered to the girls.

The most bizarre piece to this family's dysfunctional saga was sending their son, who had been caught molesting his younger four sisters and a friend for counselling to State Trooper Joseph Hutchens?   This man is now serving a 56 year prison term for producing and distributing child pornography. Why hasn't anyone asked whose children were being used to pose for these photos?

And the most disturbing question of all: what did the father of a houseful of  prepubescent children have in common  with an out-of-control child pornographer, whom Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar initially identified as a family friend?
