Boston Bomber Dzohkhar Tsarnaev on Trial |
The longer this trial of Tsarnaev goes on the more enraged I become. Who are we Americans trying to fool with all this pomp and circumstance? Everyone knows that the man and his brother killed and wounded people in the Boston marathon. Are trials like this the way we Americans deceive ourselves into believing that our criminal justice system is something divorced from the reality of psycho cops executing black males on the spot?
S. Carolina Cop Executing Walter Scott |
This Tsarnaev trial has been going on in the shadow of police state savagery, where the number of black male killings seems even to have escalated. Whether the man gets the death penalty he should at least thank his lucky stars that he's not black. African-American males get executed on the spot for not having a license to sell cigarettes or missing child support payments, or being 12 years old, sitting on a swing playing with a toy gun. Let's stop using show trials like this Tsarnaev one to pretend that the American criminal justice system even knows what the word "justice" means.