Why FBI Refuses to Disclose "School Shooter Profile" to the Public

School Shootings
Local law enforcement agencies may not know what's going on with this accelerating rash of school shootings, but the professionals at FBI headquarters sure the heck do.  But please, don't get me wrong.  I could no more hack a file a la edward-snowden than I could teach my cellphone to pee.  However, my female slave ancestors handed down from mother to daughter a unique method for gathering secret intelligence, which I never allowed my formal education to stamp out, try as it might.  I'll call this system for lack of a better term "intuitive common sense." 

So, what is the FBI refusing or perhaps even afraid to reveal to the American public because of the firestorm it would ignite?  Successful school shooters are usually teenage white males, whose parents are gun fanatics, probably even card-carrying members of the National Rifle Association.  It is the accessibility of loaded gun arsenals that ties so many of these mass murders together.  But given the intensity of partisan politics surrounding 2nd Amendment Rights and gun control,  a federal agency would see it as suicidal to tap into that hysteria.  

Of course time is on the side of the FBI and so is something that for lack of a better word, we might call "federalized tough love."  Parents do not have the capacity to keep loaded weapons out of the hands of children.  There are the accidental deaths in which the toddler kills the four year old or vice-versa.  But society has grown used to such tragedies. However, the school shootings involving mass murder is what is getting worse.  The school shooters will be the kids of gun fanatics with loaded weapons, if not whole arsenals lying around the house, and NRA cards stuck in their wallets.  Their victims will be white suburban kids.   Somewhere in America's future is a number.  How many little coffins will it take, a few dozen more, a few hundred more, a few thousand more?   But sooner or later, this particular segment of America will finally understand that it is the gun fanatics who devour their own. 
