Latest Kidnapping, Sex Slave Story Too Ridiculous to Elicit My Sympathy

Isidro Garcia arrested on suspicion of kidnapping
Okay, it is true. Horrible things happen to girls every day of the week. They get murdered, molested, locked in someone's basement for ten years and treated as sex slaves.  But this latest story out of California is just a bit too ridiculous to be believed.  I should feel sorry for the poor fifteen year old who was kidnapped, brainwashed, molested,  . . . but she wasn't a toddler. She could have climbed out the bathroom window.  In ten years time while she was having lavish birthday parties she could even have picked up the phone and called her distraught mother. Or maybe Mama wasn't all that distraught if boyfriend and daughter disappear on the same day and it never occurs to anyone in the family that the teenager might be with this guy. I don' t know who's lying and I don't care. Everyone involved in this story is beyond the pale.

Even if it's true, it is time for society to act. Why not make it mandatory that all girls over 6 be enrolled in the martial arts. At whatever age every girl needs to learn how not to passively participate in her own victim hood.
