Do Gun Fanatics Learn Any Lessons When Their Own Children Shoot Family Members?

Children with Guns
Isn't life hard enough without having to read heartbreaking news accounts every damned day of a child shooting himself with the mother's pistol, the toddler shooting the dad, the uncle shooting the ten year old nephew, etc., etc., etc.?     I am reaching a point of such grief saturation that my sympathy is turning to rage.  How dare these gun fanatics create these nightmarish tragedies and impose them on the rest of us.  And this is apart from the far more gruesome cases when the teenager takes the family's munitions arsenal to school and goes on a shooting rampage.  Of course in the latter case, the kids more often than not kill the parents first, so there is no one left to punish.

Given all these tragedies happening on a daily basis, it hardly takes a genius to figure out that loaded weapons cannot be kept out of the reach of children.

I've decided that gun fanaticism in America is creating its own circular firing squad. It's true that some of us who do not believe that everyone should be running around with loaded AR-15s will also fall victim.  But tragically, the majority of those killed will be the children and families of these gun owners. The survivors will live out their lives traumatized by what happened. But I'm not so sure anyone will have learned any lessons from it.   
