FOX News Hired Megyn Kelly for Political Pole Dancing not Journalism

FOX News Megyn Kelly
I love Christmas so much that I never thought it possible that anyone however wicked or vile could dampen my holiday spirit.   But then I turned on FOX News and heard commentator Megyn Kelly explaining to children that Jesus and Santa Claus were Caucasians.  Of course this is the woman who also claimed that Barack Obama, although elected twice, was ineligible to be president because he was Kenyan.

Jesus was Middle Eastern, you know the swarthy kind of fellow that Megyn Kelly would claim has a racial propensity for blowing up buildings with people inside them. And Santa Claus, well. . . if we insist on categorizing him, that jolly old fellow is obviously the same race as God.  Or does Ms. Kelly think He's white too?

 Megyn Kelly is a FOX news political pole dancer, with journalistic pretensions.  However,one news headline was even more blunt:  Foxy Megyn Kelly Strips for GQ Magazine.

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