Could the NRA be Gearing up for Civil War?


Florida Militia Training 9 Year Olds
The tragedy of 9/11 did not just galvanize supporters of al-Qaeda, because it proved that America was indeed vulnerable to terrorism.  The incident also affected the psyches of our home-grown malcontents. It got them to thinking.   I'm not referring to certifiable lunatics, but rather to politicians like,  Texas Senator Ted Cruz, who called the NRA gathering of 70,000 in Houston this weekend  "an army."   NRA chief executive and vice president Wayne LaPierre told the gun lobby's membership:   "We are in the midst of a once-in-a-generation fight for everything we care about."

Yes, America is even more vulnerable to domestic terrorists than it is to fanatics from the Middle East and Eastern Europe.

The NRA's motto this year is "Stand and Fight." We would be fools to believe that it is all bluster and empty rhetoric. We Americans are polite, maybe even too polite for our own good at times. So with those around me being far too genteel to broach the subject, I  will.  Those militias and tea party types are preparing for war. What has driven otherwise mainstream Americans to the brink of building the kinds of arsenals that would put the  U.S. Army's 3rd Infantry Division to shame is the two-term presidency of Barack Obama.  According to a fairly large proportion of mainstream American voters, not just lunatic fringe conspiracy theorists,  the man is a Muslim, he's a Socialist, he's a Kenyan, who is trying to usurp the power and authority of our Constitution.  He is, in short, destroying America.  If you insist on details, just listen to Rush Limbaugh or one of the growing number of conservative talk show hosts. 

Who are these disgruntled, assault-rifle hoarders?  They are, in the main, conservatives who find no possible way to gain electoral victory in national elections for the foreseeable future. Their frustrations have devolved into a type of nihilism, in which they see perpetual chaos preferable to the current government of the U.S.

Those who laugh at the hubris of these NRA-malcontents, truly miss the point. Their goal is not the  unconditional surrender of the U.S. Armed Forces.  It is rather to undermine the federal government, which, these people hope, will find itself unable to protect civilian life from the seemingly ubiquitous attacks of domestic terrorists.  That is exactly the lessons these domestic militias have been learning from their Middle Eastern counterparts.  Terrorism is not at its essence a moral debate.  It is, pure and simple, a military strategy applied to situations where the military arsenal and standing army far overwhelms the resources of the insurgents. And sometimes it works.  But let's all hope, that in the end, sanity prevails and the radicals in the NRA reconsider their path to glory.
