White Nationalists Hiding under the Banner of Evangelical Christianity

White Nationalists Emboldened by Trump
I'm beginning to suspect that the mainstream media is too market-driven to "call a spade a spade".  The Caucasian folks who label themselves Evangelical Christians are nothing other than white nationalists, parading as religionists.  As to why the mainstream media caters to the fanciful label they give themselves is probably to hold onto such viewers.  But why should  the rest of us flatter folks who exhibit the amorality of slave traders, by calling them something they're not -- i.e. Christians.

As I've peeped behind the curtain of white nationalist subterfuge, I've come to another rather startling realization.  This voting bloc rails against abortion or LGBT rights only because it gives them a moral-appearing stance that they can use to batter liberals.   But if we look back at recent history, we see that these white Evangelicals only latched on to the Catholic crusade against abortion in the last several decades as they sought ways to define themselves without acknowledging their white nationalist fear of a multiethnic America. President Barack Obama's two electoral victories sent these folks into an abyss of shock that only someone as corrupt and amoral and unfearful of parading his birtherist racism as Trump could help them climb out of.    

Amanda Marcotte at Salon hit the bullseye with her article entitled:  "In Trump's America 'Christian' is no longer a religious faith — it's white identity politics"  The sooner America realizes that we're not dealing with a religious constituency, but rather with  a profoundly secularist grab for fascist-like power,  the sooner we'll be able to defeat these new confederates. 
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