In Jeff Sessions Scandal, GOP Behaving Like the Silent Spouse of a Child Molester

Dems Call for AG Jeff Sessions' Resignation
  ©2025 Constance Hilliard - All Rights Reserved.

I'm not accusing the entire GOP of running a pedophile ring. But I am accusing the Republican Party of exhibiting the same moral sleaze that we so often find in the silent spouse of child molesters, whose obliviousness to their child's distress borders on complicity.

Last night the Washington Post came out with a bombshell of investigative reporting.  Attorney General Jeff Sessions denied under oath the two meetings he had with the Russian ambassador during the 2016 campaign.  House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi told reporters this morning:
"(That) the top cop in our country lied under oath to the people is grounds for him to resign.  He has proved that he is unqualified and unfit to serve in that position of trust."

The list of Democrats who are now calling for him to step down has in the last several hours has ballooned.  Most Republicans lawmakers are tiptoeing around like a child molester's spouse, having nothing whatsoever to say.   Those members of the GOP leadership, like Jason Chaffetz, chair of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and Ohio Senator Rob Portman, who have been cornered into making statements are making the gentile suggestion that the Attorney General merely recuse himself from participating in the FBI's investigation of Russian involvement in the 2016 presidential election. Texas Senator Ted Cruz, on the other hand, dismissed the  growing scandal as a "Nothing Burger." on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”  But Sessions not only lied under oath about meeting the Russian ambassador, but he was also the person who injected Carter Page into the Trump campaign. Page was forced to resign in September 2016, after it was learned that he maintained close ties to Russian intelligence.

In 1986, Martin Luther King's widow, Coretta Scott King, wrote a letter to Congress detailing the kind of human being Sessions was.  At that time he was being nominated for a federal judgeship. In it, she stated that the then Alabama Senator “lacks the temperament, fairness and judgment to be a federal judge.”

But in order to recognize such a character flaw in the Attorney General, Republicans would first have to confront their own flawed moral code.   
