Black Voter to Donald Trump: "Do You Honestly Want to Know What We have to Lose"?

Mr. Trump, let me tell you a secret.  The man who murdered Trayvon Martin, the police who are killing unarmed blacks and the juries that acquit them are Donald Trump supporters. That crowd is itching for opportunities to use their "Second Amendment rights" and their spanking-new AR-15s to put us  "uppity negroes" back in our place (welfare/sharecropping/slavery). They salivate to put my strong,  handsome fourteen year old son, whose health and athleticism they both envy to hell and fear,  in an early grave.  

Progressives express astonishment that white racists consistently vote  against their economic interests, supporting right-wing politicians, who only represent the 1%.   But what these Progressives fail to grasp is human nature itself.   For poor whites and those without college educations, their most valued possession is the social status conferred by "whiteness".  

If you don't believe me, judge for yourself.  Here is a cross-section of Donald Trump supporters speaking  the truth as they know it.   

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