The NRA and ISIS: Partners in Crime

Don't be deceived by the outer wrappings.  The National Rifle Association and the Islamic group, ISIS, are allies.  It's true, one group articulates its ideology in English and the other in Arabic,  but they are both in the business of bull horning social pathology.  Of course, one can say that NRA president, Wayne LaPierre, and other officials in his organization don't run around killing innocent kids. But then again, the leaders of ISIS don't run around beheading people.  In both cases, the leaders define the value system and culture and their emotionally unstable minions do the dirty work.

The only real difference I can note between the two groups other than language and mode of dress, is
motive.  ISIS believes, however misguided, that it can create an Islamic state out of murder and mayhem. The NRA on the other hand, feels no sense of civic responsibility to anybody.  It just pushes its violent ideology to sell more guns.   ©2025 Constance Hilliard - All Rights Reserved.
