Dr. Ben Carson Criticizes Holocaust Victims |
GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson just made the jaw dropping comment that the Holocaust wouldn't have happened if only German Jews had refused to relinquish their guns. But to be blunt about the issue, Dr. Carson's comprehension of World War II is . . . well . . . "ass backwards". In his disordered mind, he is the hero, the prince of light battling the forces of evil. But given the level of his bigotry, narcissism, obsession with weapons and militarism the man personifies the essence of the Nazi cause, not vice versa
. In short, Carson doesn't realize that the values he espouse, were they within the context of World War II, would make him an ally of Adolph Hitler. The Nazi leader would be thrilled to have a self-hating black man as a puppy dog mascot, spewing racism and anti-Semitism too raw even for Hitler to utter. In short, Carson would serve the same role for the Nazi Germans that he serves today, monkeyshining for right wing
votes. The western democracies defeated the fascists in World War II. If need be, they will do it again, even if it means launching the U.S. Military to protect American citizens against the Cliven Bundy-like, gun-toting militias that Ben Carson represents. They, not our democratically-elected government, personify the evils of tyranny.
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