Christians Opposing Gay Marriage Found Sneaking Around on Ashley Madison

I'm sure the psychiatrists have a sophisticated term for this type of behavior. But for convenience sake let's just call it "scapegoating".   I'm flummoxed by the growing list of names belonging to the kinds of gay-marriage bashing Christians, who are now turning up on the Ashley Madison list.  I believe that marriage is sacred and I'm also beginning to know for certain that these hypocrites are the ones destroying that institution, while blaming gays. Such heartless cruelty makes me physically ill.  
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One of the first such names to turn up on the hacked list of Ashley Madison clients was anti-gay activist, Josh Duggar. He has now admitted that he made yet another "mistake" and while he was trawling for hot mamas, he somehow became addicted to porn.  Duggar lost his job as executive director of the lobbying arm of the anti-gay marriage Family Research Council, when the fact that he had molested his sisters came to light.  And now this.  Poor Anna Duggar is now stuck with no education, four kids and a child-molesting, unemployed husband, adulterer and porn addict. 

Sam Rader is a popular Christian vlogger, whose Youtube went viral  in a clip where he tried to convince his five year old daughter that gay marriage was a bad thing. He has now admitted that he too had a paid Madison Ashley account, but insists that he never used it.    

Perhaps hoping to blunt the impact of more such revelations from anti-Gay marriage Christians, a columnist for Christian Today has now denounced the leakage of the Ashley Madison list, declaring the sneaky behavior of the hackers, downright unChristian. 

Maybe we can find a morality tale in all of this.
