Elizabeth Warren is a crusader and all, but not when it really counts, not when "she has skin in the game" as they say. The Massachusetts Senator is now
attacking President Obama, claiming like the GOP that he is hiding vital details from the American public regarding the Asian trade agreement now in the process of being negotiated. Maybe she's making so much noise because she wants to be president, or at the very least, Hilary Clinton's running mate. But she is not doing it because she gives a damned about the people who will be affected by the trade deal. How do I know? She stood in front of
a local Massachusetts town hall meeting and justified Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's bombing of schools and hospitals in Gaza last summer. If this woman can justify the killing of 1492 Gazan civilians, according to
United Nations reports, including 551 children and 299 women, in retaliation for attacks by homemade rocks that killed no one, she could justify doing anything to anybody.
Should liberals celebrate the birth of a left-wing Margaret Thatcher, an American "iron maiden" coming from the other side of the political spectrum? I hope the hell not.
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