White Mass Murdering Co-Pilot "Depressed," But Non-White Would Have Been Called "Terrorist"

Andreas Lubitz Co-Pilot of Crashed Plane
  ©2025 Constance Hilliard - All Rights Reserved.

Anyone who deliberately crashes a plane with 149 innocent people aboard is a terrorist. After the 9/11 attacks, I did not read a single media headline asking whether the perpetrators of that tragedy were "depressed."  Who knows?  Maybe they were.  But a mood disorder did not preclude them from acting with psychopathic malice in order to commit unspeakable evil.

How is the behavior of German co-pilot Andreas Lubitz, who is believed to have deliberately slammed the Germanwings plane into the Alps, any different, other than his nationality, religion and skin-color?  In fact, this discriminatory tactic of labeling human deviance according to the person's race rather than the deed, has become far too deeply embedded in all our media coverage. Blacks accused of committing crimes are "thugs."   Muslims accused of committing crimes are "terrorists".  But a white accused of committing a heinous crime is a "nice, friendly, somewhat shy fellow," whose vile behavior is attributed to mental illness.

I've been depressed before.  Most people I know have been depressed at some point in their lives. Some have even needed  SSRI medications like Prozac in order to maintain high-functioning careers and a satisfying family life.  And it is true that some depressed people succeed in committing suicide. But taking scores of innocent people along with you is not depression. It is mass murder.    
