Why is Washington Post Angling for War with Iran?

Apparently the Washington Post does not believe that it shredded its journalistic credibility sufficiently in having manipulated public opinion to push for the disastrous invasion of Iraq.  It is now setting the stage for convincing the public that while Iraq might have been a mis- judgment, the real enemy all along was Iran.  It's hard to say what brand of fanaticism directs the once venerable newspaper, but I'm relieved to see that I'm not the only one shaking my head in disgust and disbelief.  A recent Dailykos headline read: WaPo Gives Lunatic A Column To Urge 'War With Iran Is The Best Option'  It goes on to say:
In a quick nutcase...erm, I mean 'nutshell', (Joshua) Muravchik's thesis (if such sophomoric drivel can be so dignified) is that nothing will prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons and the United States should start bombing them now.
'Does this mean that our only option is war? Yes, although an air campaign targeting Iran’s nuclear infrastructure would entail less need for boots on the ground than the war Obama is waging against the Islamic State, which poses far smaller a threat than Iran does.
Typical of the armchair warrior and chicken-hawk (cf. William 'Wrong' Kristol, Muravchik's colleague at The Weekly Standard, natch), Muravchik is prepared to sacrifice other people's sons and daughters and fight to the last drop of someone else's blood in the cause of his crackpot Manichean world-view.'
I sat down to write a response to Mr. Muravchik's column, but then I came across the one below, which put my views into words I never would have had the courage to express myself,:
A Reasoned Response to a Washington Post Call for War With Iran
by Chris Floyd
I was going to write a careful, reasoned commentary on this article in the Washington Post -- “War With Iran is Probably Our Best Option" -- written by a highly respected fellow at the Foreign Policy Institute of Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies, Joshua Muravchik. But in the end all I could find to say was this:  I hope this slavering, shrivelled-up, dead-souled little coward finds himself on the front lines of the war he advocates.
I’m sick to death of these timorous motherfuckers sitting on their well-wadded asses pushing for wars they’ll never fight. I want to see Muravchik standing on the Iranian frontier with a rifle in his hand.
I want to see him put his puffy gray face and his well-coifed hair in the line of fire. He’s so goddamned tough with other people’s lives. “Yes, we might absorb some strikes," he writes. He knows damn well he’ll never “absorb” a strike; that’s for other people, that’s for the cannon fodder this piss-ant empire sends to its wars.
No, by God, if he wants war, if he thinks it’s “probably our best option,” then let him drag his ageing ass over to Iran and put it on the line. Or else let him his shut his fucking mouth.
And I’m sick to death of the gilded robber barons like Jeff Bezos who publish bellicose bullshit like this day after day, wailing for war on Iran, on Russia, on Syria. I want to see Bezos in the front line too. Let him slap on some body armor and wade into the fight, in Tikrit, in Aleppo, in the Donbass.
He won't do it. Muravchik won't do it. None of them will do it. Every single one of our war-mongers and war-profiteers and policy wonks and politicians who endlessly call for war and war and more war, every single one of them would run a mile — would run a hundred miles — from the slightest threat to their own soft, pasty, well-protected persons.
They want OTHER people to die. They want OTHER people to kill. It makes them feel good. It makes them feel tough. It makes them feel righteous. It makes them want to run to the toilet in their sleek, comfy, carpeted office buildings and jerk themselves off at the excitement of it all.
Just as long as THEY don’t have to fight. Just as long as THEY don’t have to “absorb” any strikes. Just as long as some piece of riffraff does the dirty work for them.
I wish I could stand in front of this blood-thirsty coward and tell him this to his face. And then spit in his face. Then put a goddamned rifle in his hand and parachute him into Tehran. Go ahead, Muravchik. Go ahead, Bezos. You boys are so bad, you’re so tough, you’re so hard and hot for war. Go fight it yourself, you cowardly motherfuckers.

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