Was Crazed Cop Killer a Rogue Police Plant Whose Goal Was to Stop Anti-Police Protests?

 Before drawing all the obvious conclusions, let's take a breather and see what the FBI really turns up regarding the murder of the 2 New York policemen. What is my point?  Ismaaiyl Brinsley may not have acted alone.  He was a suicidal, emotional misfit, alienated from friends and family. So, might he have hooked up with a different caliber of associates at some point during his 19 arrests and various jail terms? Perhaps a kindly soul had stepped into his life after he had lost touch with every other shred of reality,  someone whom he could tell his troubles to, someone who understood his frustrations in life, who might have lent him money, a gun, someone who could suggest "heroic" actions that he wouldn't have thought up himself?  Of course this someone had a hidden agenda.  It would be to manipulate this lost soul into engaging in something so heinous that it would embarrass those politicians calling for police reform and more importantly turn the public against the "I Can't Breathe" police protests sweeping across the country.  The motto of such lone wolf tacticians would be that two "sacrificial" deaths in war was a small price to pay for the consolidation of police power and the subordination of civil society.

Preposterous, you say.  Folks were for the longest time saying the same about accusations that Americans used torture.  David Shipler, author of Rights at Risk: The Limits of Liberty in Modern America (2012), notes that most men who get "entrapped" by an agent provocateur:
 “seem ambivalent, incompetent and adrift, like hapless wannabes looking for a cause that the informer or undercover agent skilfully helps them find”. 
The operative term these days is "entrapment."  Since 9/11 dozens of such cases have come to light. The Nation reported  one such case in which the New York Police Department had an agent provocateur set up a young man named Ahmed Ferhani.  But this was a gun smuggling operation for which the young man was entrapped after investing $100.  What I'm referring to above would have been a rogue operation, unaffiliated with legitimate law enforcement, but willing to commit whatever acts might be necessary to support a power-hungry police agenda.

Neither the deaths of unarmed teenagers nor that of armed police officers can derail  the absolute necessity of police reform and the reining in of the out-of-control culture of police militarization in this country,  The nation can dither all it wants.  But I can promise you one thing.  If mainstream America allows this situation to continue spiraling out of the control the day will come when the unarmed teenager lying uncovered in the street is going to start looking  more like yours than mine.   
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