Incendiary (Racist) Media Headlines Ignore Cop Killer Shot Girlfriend
©2025 Constance Hilliard - All Rights Reserved.
For a black man to shoot his black girl friend and then murder two cops loses its explosive power to rile up the American public. It muddies the narrative of surgical executions carried out by a mentally balanced person, whose only issue was vengeance against the cops for the killing of Eric Garner and Michael Brown. So, the wounded black female becomes a non-entity in the thousands of news headlines in media outlets around the country.
American news media, please get a grip. In the end, everything in life is not about the financial bottom line. It is about the many setbacks and occasional triumphs of trying to build a multi-ethnic democracy. If you did your jobs more consistently, with professionalism and integrity, maybe the level of bigotry and mutual distrust fueled by ignorance in this society would be diminishing rather than arming itself to the teeth.
CORRECTION: I apologize for originally stating that the killer had also murdered his girlfriend. She was wounded, but is expected to live.
American news media, please get a grip. In the end, everything in life is not about the financial bottom line. It is about the many setbacks and occasional triumphs of trying to build a multi-ethnic democracy. If you did your jobs more consistently, with professionalism and integrity, maybe the level of bigotry and mutual distrust fueled by ignorance in this society would be diminishing rather than arming itself to the teeth.
CORRECTION: I apologize for originally stating that the killer had also murdered his girlfriend. She was wounded, but is expected to live.