How America Treats Defiance in Whites -- Nurse Kaci Hickox; in Blacks -- a Dead Unarmed Teenager
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Most people would see little if anything in common between the nurse who returned home from Ebola-ridden Sierra Leone and Michael Brown. But they should. Kaci Hickox refused to go into quarantine and had armed policemen jogging down the street trying to keep up with her as she went for a bike ride. This woman defied the immigration authorities and the police in two states. She publicly defied the Governors of New Jersey and Maine. And for her act of noncompliance she ended up on the television talk shows, a hero for the cause of people showing Ebola symptoms (possibly contaminating hundreds with a deadly virus because they don't believe the laws regarding quarantines should apply to them).

Michael Brown of Ferguson, Missouri was jaywalking, defied one policeman, who told him to get off the street. The unarmed eighteen year old ended up dead, his bullet-ridden body left out for hours on the cold pavement. ABC paid the policeman who shot him $500,000 for an interview. The crowdsourcing website raised $432,000 on behalf of Darren Wilson, before halting further donations.
Nurse Kaci Hickox Defied Authority and Became a Celebrity |
Michael Brown of Ferguson, Missouri was jaywalking, defied one policeman, who told him to get off the street. The unarmed eighteen year old ended up dead, his bullet-ridden body left out for hours on the cold pavement. ABC paid the policeman who shot him $500,000 for an interview. The crowdsourcing website raised $432,000 on behalf of Darren Wilson, before halting further donations.
Nurse Hickox knew "her place" in American society. But apparently the young black Michael Brown didn't know his.