NFL Wife Janay Palmer Watching Her Own Train Derail While Sitting in the Conductor's Seat
I just watched the video I told myself I wouldn't even take a peek at. Yes, it's the one where NFL player Ray Rice knocks his fiancee, Janay Palmer out cold, and then drags her limp body out of an elevator. No deep insights came to mind. But I did have one simple observation. Madam Janay and her husband are both mentally ill, in different but complementary ways. He's a psychopath and she's, well. . . a mess. Yes, I feel sorry for her. Well, actually, not really. There are so many heart-wrenching things that happen in life over which no one has any control whatsoever. I save my grief for the victims of those situations. This young woman has choices. To sit around waiting to get murdered by that thuggish husband of hers is a tragedy beyond words. Yes, I know all the psycho-babble about "the reasons women stay with their abusers." But Janay Palmer married the man who knocked her out the day after she regained consciousness. The wording of her Instagram, the expression of anger at the media and the public for her husband's criminal assault on her, may, as has been commented upon elsewhere, reflect "battered wife syndrome." But society cannot fix everyone's problems. Sometimes we have to acknowledge, sadly, that train wrecks do happen regardless of how many safety features are instituted. And she is sitting in the conductor's seat, looking out the window, enjoying the view, and seemingly oblivious to the fact that the trellis holding up the bridge the train's about to chug onto got washed away in last night's storm.
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