Chris McDaniel: The Psychopathology of a Racist

Chris McDaniel Refuses to Concede Loss to Cochran
As many of you know, Mississippi State Senator Chris McDaniel lost the Republican primary to Thad Cochran after a run-off in which Cochran campaigned among Black Democratic voters.  Since then McDaniel has given the nation the most theatrical sore-loser melt-down that I've ever had the misfortune to  witness. He refused to concede the election even though he lost by over 7,000 votes.  Instead he cried "voter fraud," and has gone around the state drumming up support among the kind of Mississippians who agree with his Stalinesque decree, that the state's GOP should be purged after the election.  

What stuck in his craw and that of his supporters was the fact that his GOP opponent appealed to black Democratic voters.  McDaniel labeled this outreach,  race-baiting, claiming that it had thrown back race relations in Mississippi by 50 years.  Well, that's when I got to thinking about McDaniel's mental state and that of his supporters.  

In the midst of  a tightly-contested political contest, what does a politician do when his opponent puts up ads or makes speeches among targeted groups spewing lies about his opponent?  What normal politicians do is put up ads and make speeches to said groups refuting the accusations and (possibly even spewing even more dastardly lies about the opponent).  The public weighs and sifts the evidence and votes for the candidate that best reflects its interests.  

But what did McDaniel do when Thad Cochran began drumming up support among Blacks.  Nothing.  What did he do when he was accused of being a racist.  Nothing.  What response did he make to specific accusations that he publicly blamed gun violence on hip hop, pondered when it was appropriate to call a woman "mamacita" and had a habit of associating with white supremacists and Neo-Confederates.   Not a word.

I'm grateful that the Mississippi Supreme Court refused to allow McDaniel to get his hands on the personal information of those Democratic voters, who clearly didn't vote for him in the GOP primary.  A man  travelling around the country rabble-rousing about voter fraud to potential lynch mobs, is a man who'd rather see Mississippi burned to the ground  than admit he lost an election.  That is the psychopathology of a racist.
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