White Supremacists and Neo-Nazis Behind Open Carry Laws
Let's be clear about the matter. Anyone, politician or otherwise, who supports "Open Carry Laws" is a member of the White Supremacist/Neo-Nazi Movement. But. .. but. . . but. . . No ifs, ands or buts. It really is that simple.
Two "Open Carry" members walked into a Cici's pizzeria, ambled over to the two cops having lunch, raised their pistols and fired at them point blank. The "Open Carry" advocates then marched into Walmarts, killed a shopper then committed ritual suicide.
But how can I be so sure about the affiliation of these people and their supporters? Even before I learned that the couple did in fact belong to a white supremacist group and had swastikas painted on their walls, there was something else I knew. The freedom to "open carry" is not extended to blacks.
The Trayvon Martin case was not a tragic fluke. It was a set-up for this whole filthy mess. An unarmed black, walking home from a convenience store was shot and killed with impunity. There were no blacks on the jury (the one dark-complexioned juror was a Hispanic maid fearful of losing her job). Yes, the Trayvon Martin was a warning to any and all African-Americans. "You don't even need to have a weapon for us to kill you in cold blood." So if the mere fact of being black is provocation enough, what message does that give any naive black soul who might think that the "open carry" laws are meant for everyone?
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