The Secret Strategy Behind the Las Vegas Shooters' 10 Minute Revolution
I was puzzled at first. What kind of revolution begins with two cops getting shot point blank while they're eating lunch and ends ten minutes later with the shooters engaging in a suicide pact?
However drugged out the shooters might have been, they did have a relatively coherent strategy. But Obama is outsmarting these idiots. He refuses to be goaded. This whole Bundy ranch business, the militias, the white supremacists, are doing everything they can to provoke the federal government into a violent response. This is why the two shooters shouted that they were begetting the revolution started and killed the two cops in such a brutal, senseless manner. They believe that the Las Vegas police department will lash out and over-react just as Bundy's militia hoped and prayed for the same outcome with the feds. If only they can get both federal and local law enforcement to respond like jack-boots, then this would spark the revolution by rallying their well-armed supporters. In fact FOX News is now criticizing the President for not putting a stop to the anti-government fanaticism they in fact fanned by framing Cliven Bundy as a great hero and patriot in the first place.
Admittedly, it's a rather mangy bunch consisting of NRA-types, Tea Partyers, Posse Comitatus, Aryan Nation, Neo-Nazis, lunatics with gun permits, who've decided that anarchy is far better than having that black man in the White House. And maybe their strategy could have worked. But these erstwhile revolutionaries have suddenly forgotten the very thing they reminded the rest of us about on an hourly basis during the election campaigns. Before going into national politics, Barack Obama was a community organizer. He understands that consciousness raising works both ways.
President Obama is giving the American public a powerful consciousness-raising moment. It is the public, not the Black president, who will have to rise up against this vermin. And they will.
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