One Solution to Arab-Israeli Problem would be for Zionists to Build Settlements in Bunkersville, Nevada

Israel just denounced Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas for proclaiming  to the world that the Holocaust was "the most heinous crime in modern human history."   That's odd.  Hadn't Israel been castigating the man for years because he insisted that the Holocaust never took place?

Both the State Department and Israel have also declared the Arab-Israeli peace talks suspended because   the Palestinians have healed their divisions and have decided to speak with one voice.  Hadn't the Israelis for years claimed that the Arabs were too politically immature to have a state since they couldn't even get along with each other?    

Neither the White House nor Congress is willing to act sensibly in this matter, out of cowardice no doubt.  So this lone blogger will take it upon herself to state the obvious.  The United States has far too much at stake in the Middle East to allow Israel to control our foreign policy because of an existential  paranoia borne in large part from racial hatred of its Arab neighbors.  Besides, the world has more problems looming in our future -- oil, international terrorism,  climate change, world hunger -- then to have to spend another century or two stumbling along with "on again, off again" Middle East peace talks. So. . . I would respectfully suggest an alternative.  Since the federal government apparently owns so much land in Nevada, it should encourage those Israeli Jews, who see Arabs the same way Cliven Bundy sees blacks, to dismantle their West Bank settlements and reconstruct them in Bunkersville, Nevada. They may find that they have more in common with Cliven Bundy's folk than they ever would have imagined.     
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