Fort Hood Could be Seen as Secret NRA Experiment

An NRA Nation
The Fort Hood shooter had not been to Iraq, and therefore did not suffer from combat related mental illness, and had no previous evidence of violent behavior or thoughts.  He just got it in his head to walk around the army base and kill as many people as he could.  Now this is very interesting indeed from an National Rifle Association point of view, or at least it should be.

I would like to propose an experiment.  What if the NRA loaned a weapon to every man, woman and child in America, maybe skip the toddlers.  The adults could lug around AR-15 semi-automatic rifles.  The kids would just get loaded pistols.  The NRA would also provide free gun safety classes and for good measure, gun safes for each and every home.

I'm no mathematician, but I will propose a math problem.  What percentage of normal people with no known mental problems would just "go off" one day because . . . well because you cut into their lane. . . . . . they hadn't eaten breakfast. . .the coffee didn't have enough cream in it. . . you grabbed their favorite blue crayon.  By my calculation, we might have a thousand or two souls standing within a month's time and within a year our nation would be toast.

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