Why Gun-Owning Parents Give Their "School Shooter" Children Access to Weapons

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Gun Owners & School Shooters

Since 1991, 323 American children have died in school shootings, according to an ABC News Report.The most notorious of these tragic events may have been the December 14, 2012 murder of twenty children and six adult staff members at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut.   The shooter, twenty year old Adam Lanza killed his mother Nancy before going to the school on a shooting rampage and afterwards committing suicide.   Mrs. Lanza had given her son (whom she knew to be mentally unstable) access to an astonishing array of weapons, including high caliber rifles, more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition, samurai swords, a bayonet and knives.    

But, what has puzzled me for years about these tragedies is why parents who keep such military arsenals in their homes don't at least lock them up.  Why would they give their children (whether seemingly sane or not) access to them?   The answer shook me awake this morning like a bomb blast. 

Just as school shooters operate from the delusion that murdering their classmates will soothe their inner demons, their parents operate from delusions that are equally dangerous and false.  It is that high powered weapons will protect them from the raw unpredictability of life.  They foolishly believe that readiness is the priority.  But readiness for what?  It might be starving hordes breaking down their doors during an apocalyptic famine, ghetto people trying to seize control of the country,  or even an irritating neighbor's kid stealing their new high definition television. 

If they locked away their military arsenal, then they wouldn't be ready.  
