Why is Beyonce Crawling Around on Floor All But "Buck Naked" for New Album?
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My favorite music reviewer Greg Tate offered a brilliant take on Beyonce's new album. He wrote:
As a black woman, I am so tired of our female entertainers having to crawl around on the floor, all but "buck naked" in order to display their musical talent. However, there is a larger issue at work in American culture. Because of the submerged puritanism that has defined our society from its inception, blacks are perceived of, and more to the point, rewarded for carrying the burden of the nation's sexuality on its collective back(side). These and related issues were analyzed with great insight several years ago by scholar Patricia Collins, author of Black Sexual Politics: African Americans, Gender, and the New Racism.
Beyonce is beautiful, musically gifted, rich and famous. So, why does she come across as being so desperate?
This is the full Greg Tate comment on Facebook:
My favorite music reviewer Greg Tate offered a brilliant take on Beyonce's new album. He wrote:
"Listened to Beyonce's new album, dug some of the spooky vocals, spookier production. Watched about 12 of the videos and got depressed for the world like a mutha. Mostly by the butt nekkid desperation for self-sexualizing pop relevance."

Beyonce is beautiful, musically gifted, rich and famous. So, why does she come across as being so desperate?
This is the full Greg Tate comment on Facebook:
Listened to Beyonce's new album, dug some of the spooky vocals, spookier production. Watched about 12 of the videos and got depressed for the world like a mutha. Mostly by the butt nekkid desperation for self-sexualizing pop relevance. The hunger to please of the child-star returns pathetic and Marilynesque in the adult. The vacuum beneath the appropriated high tech haute couture come-on imaging reveals a no there-there raging void. Madonna sponged her reference for visual literacy from Basquiat. B got 'Picasso'. Ronny Drayton's grandmother used to tell him 'Boy, no matter how how high you go in this world you will always be The Product. ' Auction block R&B, billion dollar babies, commodified soul sucked clean to the plantation-haunted marrow. Epitome of what Cecil Taylor meant when he said, ''For a Black person to be a success iin this culture is to be failure.'