Supporters of Keeping Brain-Dead Girl on Life Support Practicing Neo-Zombie Christianity

The story of thirteen year old Jahi McMath, who was declared brain-dead after complications of a tonsillectomy  is becoming more and more heartbreaking by the hour.  But it is also becoming more bizarre. According to an article in the San Jose Mercury-News:

. . .throngs of well-wishers bring cards and flowers, pastors pray and bring Bible verses and strangers show up offering incense and oils and demand to lay their healing hands on the child.
A restraining order had been issued to keep Jahi on the ventilator.  However, according to the CBS News:

. . ., the  judge sided with the hospital today after hearing from two doctors, but has given the teen's family until 5 p.m. Dec. 30 to file an appeal. She will stay on life support until then.  The doctors testified today that the teen couldn't breathe on her own when the ventilator was briefly removed during tests.  Judge  Evelio Grillo expressed his sympathy but said that he was powerless to order the hospital to keep Jahi on life support.  A court appointed doctor testified on Tuesday that 13-year-old Jahi McMath is brain dead after suffering complications following a tonsillectomy. Dr. Paul Graham Fisher said Jahi McMath meets all the criteria of brain death. Fisher's evaluation was the second to reach that conclusion. 

The child's grieving mother is being manipulated by groups who clearly care nothing about the child nor her family.  To the contrary, they are using this tragedy to gain public attention for what can only be called  "Neo-Zombie Christianity."    This cult does not have roots in Haitian Voodoo, from which the term "zombie" derives.  Ironically, it is in fact a function of advances in modern medical technology.  It's adherents believe that ventilators that can keep a corpse breathing indefinitely, are instruments of God, through which miracles of resurrection can and do occur.

RELATED POST:  Baptist Church Should Apologize for Raising Hopes of Resurrecting Brain-Dead Girl
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