Bigots Squirm over Obama's Repaired Healthcare Website

I love to watch bigots squirm.  But what had me stumped, was the GOP's insistence on using computer glitches on the website as proof of the Obama Administration's epic failure  Of course the matter of Americans not being able to get on the healthcare website, was aggravating to many. But as anyone who has ever worked with computers can attest to, such problems do get fixed.  On the other hand, so many public policy issues from abortion rights to immigration reform may never be "fixed" in the sense that the nation will reach a true consensus.  But computer glitches, come on now.  How could so many Republicans think that they could sink the Obama presidency if they hollered loud enough about start-up inefficiencies of the website?  And then the answer struck me like a caveman-wielding club.

Of course Republicans would base their rid-the-White-House-of-Obama strategy on computer glitches. These are, after all, people who believe the earth is two thousand years old, that a woman who has been raped cannot get pregnant, and that most reputable scientists dispute the notion of climate change.

The mysteriousness of computer glitches to people with this antediluvian, anti-technology worldview made it easy for right-wing politicians to persuade their even less informed flocks that the hated black president was finally going down. They miscalculated just as they had done in insisting that Mitt Romney would win the presidency or that the country was going to impeach President Obama over Benghazi. But their biggest miscalculation of all will come about when growing numbers of their principal demographic, white males, defect from the GOP once they realize that their financial interests will best be served by signing up at
