Is Ted Cruz a Student of Hitler's "Mein Kampf"?

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Is Senator Ted Cruz America's Hitler? 
Senator Ted Cruz is a smart, well-educated man.  He is not, as some Democrats believe, an unhinged lunatic.  The Texas politician is rather a student of Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf, driven by unbridled ambition and the sucking vacuum of empty space, where a soul may once have resided.   I'm not suggesting that he is a secret member of the Neo-Nazis, running around with the bald headed ex-inmates, who wear swastikas tattooed on their arms.  

The test all democracies must face sooner or later is the shadow of human nature itself.  How do they control or better still transform the fear, unanchored resentments and primordial rage of those who feel displaced by the march of history?  The economic chaos Cruz tried to set in motion by shutting down the government and having the United States default on its debts would have created untold damage.  But what he may have learned from Hitler's autobiography, Mein Kampf, was that economic disaster was a necessary prerequisite for him to rally a mass following. He could declare himself  "the solution," with the courage to make the tough decisions. 

The reason history repeats itself, is because it repackages itself in different wrappings.  By the time a large enough group of people realize their mistake it's too late.  But then again, had there been greater public awareness of what was at stake, could Hitler have been stopped?  I'm not so sure. 
