Cute White Kid Gets 2 Double Lung Transplants/Cute Black Kid Gets Fatal Bullet in Chest

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Sarah Murnaghan gets Adult Lung Transplants
This is a tale of two "cute kids."  Little Sarah Murnaghan, who suffers from end-stage cystic fibrosis was thrust to the top of the adult lung transplant list because of a successful media campaign and lawsuit.  Her family, the hospital, tax payers have paid upwards of two million dollars to keep alive a child, whose prognosis for making it past the age of fifteen, is virtually nil.  A number of politicians jumped on this story, castigating the Obama Administration in general and Secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sibelius, in particular of conducting heartless, death panels because of their unwillingness to overrule medical protocols.

Trayvon Martin
The cute black kid's name was Trayvon Martin. One week after Sarah's second lung transplant, the State of Florida launched the trial of George Zimmerman, the man who had gunned down Trayvon, claiming self-defense. On July 13, Sarah's Facebook page was updated to announce:
There is nothing sweeter to a parent's ears that the sound of their child giggling with delight!  Thankfully, Sarah Murnaghan's mom got to experience this special moment today!

 That same day, the jury in a Florida court room issued a verdict that the man who hunted down and killed Trayvon was not guilty.  He was only acting in self-defense, given the "threatening demeanor" of a kid walking home from a convenience store nibbling on a pack of Skittles.

In Trayvon's last moments, lying on a cold, rain-sheeted sidewalk, alone and unaided, he may have struggled to fathom why he deserved this sentence of death.  One explanation may be that unlike cute little Sarah Murnaghan, who is white and sickly, this other cute kid was healthy and black.

Being a healthy, young black male in America can be equally as fatal as cystic fibrosis.  
