Would FBI Be ASKING FOR PERMISSION to Interview Marathon Bomber's Spouse if She Weren't From Wealthy White Family?

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Katherine Russell Tsarnaev
FBI officials are now saying that they would like to interview the wife of the suspected Marathon bomber, but she has not expressed an interest in talking with them.  An NBC News headline reads: "Federal officials ask to interview wife of slain bombing suspect." 

Katherine Russell Tsarnaev lives in a $450,000 home in Rhode Island with her parents on weekends (her father is a medical doctor and her mother a registered nurse).   During the week, according to her lawyer, she stayed in a Cambridge apartment, and financially supported her late husband, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, and mother-in-law.

But my question is this?  If the American criminal justice system follows procedures so meticulously that it seeks permission to talk with a wealthy white suspect in a terrorist bombing, how is it that so many blacks and Latinos end up in prison for crimes they did not even commit? What possible procedures could have been followed in railroading innocent people?

Or maybe the answer is what I have come to call  "anti-profiling."  I don't mean to offend anyone's racial sensibilities.  But I'm trying without success to understand what is going on here.  I have yet to hear any law officials talking about sending this woman to Guantanamo.  However, for all we know, she may have helped  her husband  plant pressure-cooker bombs all over Massachusetts.

In contrast, does anyone even remember José Padilla, who like the wife of Tamerlan Tsarnaev, converted to
José Padilla
Islam?  He is the Puerto-Rican American from Brooklyn, who was convicted of plotting a bomb attack, sent to Guantanamo, tortured, drugged and waterboarded, for presumably "palling around with terrorists" even though he never killed anyone.  Katherine Russell Tsarnaev was, on the other hand, truly sleeping with the enemy.  And her husband is responsible for at least four deaths, and 180 injuries,some critical, and including a number of victims with lost limbs.

I'm sure the FBI has come up with a convoluted legal rationalization for how the Marathon bomber case is being handled.  However, who but themselves are they deceiving?
