Obama's Benghazi Problem versus Bush's Iraq War

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What parameters are Republicans in Congress (the same ones who slashed the budget for embassy security)  using to criticize President Barack Obama on the handling of the tragic incident in Benghazi, Libya, which left our ambassador, Chris Stevens, and three others dead?  Is it the number of American lives lost?  Or might it be the number of and the horrendous implications of the lies told to the American public?  Or is what's most critical and in need of investigation the attempts made by administration officials to cover-up poor decision-making.  Whatever the criteria, how dare anyone on the face of this planet criticize President Obama for Benghazi, if they haven't already announced publicly and then fallen on their knees and privately prayed for forgiveness in having pushed the contrived war in Iraq on the American public. Maybe the criteria for judgment should be the number of homeless veterans and double amputees, struggling to put their lives back together after returning from an Iraq War that never should have happened. Okay, so let's get statistical, for the questions I raised that provide definitive, verifiable answers.

                                               Benghazi                Iraq War
U.S. Lives Lost                                4                           4,486
U.S. Wounded                                  0                           33,184
U.S. Veterans with Brain Injuries    0                       360,000

U.S. Homeless Veterans                   0                           9,000
U.S. Veteran Suicides per day          0                                18

 The Department of Veterans Affairs recently announced that the number of homeless female veterans is on the rise, although they did not provide specific numbers.  And how do we begin to count the shattered hearts of parents, spouses and children, whose lives were forever changed by the meaningless death of a loved one in Iraq?

I don't mind if Republicans call for congressional hearings on the Benghazi incident so long as we initiate war crimes tribunals for those who convinced the American public that the secular Saddam Hussein was in cahoots with the religious fundamentalist, Osama bin Laden, that they were hiding weapons of mass destruction, and thus the only way to prevent another 9/11 attack was to invade Iraq.   
