Could Lying, Cheating & Bullying be a Winning Strategy for Gaining the White House?

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The buzz word for the past year or so in schools across America has been the war on "bullying."  But if such behavior did not convey advantages to someone, our gene pool would have filtered it out eons ago.   And this observation brings me to the presidential elections.  President Obama's supporters are missing the point.  For instance they rail against Mitt Romney's baldfaced lies, such as the claim that he supported the auto bailout when anyone who can read knows that he declared:  "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt."  This was not in a private meeting of supporters, but rather on the op-ed page of the New York Times.     The 47% to 50% of the American electorate who support Mitt Romney, know that he's a pathological liar and bully.  That's precisely why they're voting for him.

These folks are feeling scared and vulnerable.  The privileges they've enjoyed are slipping away.   This segment of the electorate does not want an honorable guy in the White House, preaching equity for all.  They want a pit bull who will wrench back by any means necessary, the privileges they once enjoyed   And Mitt Romney fits that bill.

For instance, a growing chorus of Republicans are preaching that Obama's mistakes in Benghazi, where four Americans died, is an impeachable offense. However, George W. Bush's contrived war in Iraq was not, even though it cost 3,990 American lives, 29,395 wounded, 2,100 suicides, and 75,000 veterans who are homeless on any given night.

In short, it's a waste of time using fact-checking and logic against those who feel that their economic interests and feelings of emotional security can best be met by a bully in the White House.
