Why Penn State Officials Ignored Eyewitness Account of Sandusky's Rape of 10 Year Old Boy

I'm feeling nauseous.  There is a relevant piece of information that has been kept out of most media accounts of the unfolding Penn State scandal.  Without it, the refusal of university officials to report or even reprimand Jerry Sandusky for raping young boys between the ages of 7 and 12 is truly incomprehensible.  The missing fact is this.  The victims were black.  I had long thought  the nineteenth century notion that African-Americans were animals and their children mere possessions, with neither feelings, shame nor innocence had been swept away by the civil war.  But apparently I was wrong.

Former football coach Sandusky has been indicted on charges of sexually abusing children dating back to 1994, when he was still a member of the Penn State staff. A graduate student told Paterno back in 2002 that he had witnessed an alleged sexual encounter between Sandusky and a young boy in the showers of the Lasch football building.  However, at no time did any Penn State official report such incidents to the police.  In fact, they did nothing whatsoever about it.

According to a report in the Chicago Tribune:

"The failure of top university officials to act on reports of Sandusky's alleged sexual misconduct, even after it was reported to them in graphic detail by an eyewitness, allowed a predator to walk free for years — continuing to target new victims," said Pennsylvania Attorney General Linda Kelly. "Equally disturbing is the lack of action and apparent lack of concern among those same officials, and others who received information about this case, who either avoided asking difficult questions or chose to look the other way."


Disturbing Twist in Sandusky Case; Mysterious Disappearance of District Attorne

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