
Showing posts from October, 2014

Is an Unacknowledged Eurocentric Paradigm Widening Ethnic Disparities in U.S. Health Care?

Sub-Clinical Gluten Sensitivity May Trigger Addictive Cravings, Obesity and Diabetes II in African-Americans

Returning Ebola Workers Making Crisis Worse

Fryberg School Shooting and a Community's Misappropriation of "Forgiveness"

When School Shooters Kill the Kids of NRA Members

New Ebola Death Proves Nurse Kaci Hickox Wrong

Let's Stop Pretending to be Clueless about Latest School Shooter Who Killed Classmates

Ebola Nurse Should Stop Acting Like Petulant Child

UNC Pimping Illiterate Student Athletes for 20 Years

Nurse with Ebola Excoriated for Taking Flight, While Infected Doctor Riding Subways all over NY City Being Called "Humanitarian"

Racist Feminist (?) Catcall Video Edits out White Males

GOP Leaders Should Travel to Nigeria to Study How African Nation Eradicated Ebola

How Can Health Worker Exposed to Ebola Self-Monitor on Cruise Ship?

Why is GOP Acting Like Obama Is GOD in This Ebola Crisis?

Hubris Prevents Americans from Understanding Meaning of "Ebola Protocol Breach"

Ebola Crisis: Forget Africa, Let's Quarantine All of Texas Instead

Was Ebola Patient Already Dead When Texas Hospital Announced It Was Giving Him Experimental Drug?

Ebola Patient Died Three Days Ago -- Why the Cover-up?

An Ebola Patient and A Lesson in Racial Profiling that I Hope Texans Never Forget

America Needs War Crimes Tribunal: ISIS Beheadings Just Another Consequence of U.S. Invasion of Iraq

Ebola Fear-Mongering Comes from Creationists Fearful That Virus Will . . . Ahem. . . "Evolve"

Ebola Mis-steps or Is Texas Presbyterian Hospital's ER Run By Computerized Robots?

The Real Reason the Man Infected with Ebola not Admitted to Dallas Hospital

Re-Thinking Ebola Now That It's in Dallas (My Backyard)